Angel Flight New Zealand provides free flights to adults and children with medical conditions at the request of a Healthcare Professional.
Doctors, Nurses, Social Workers, Salvation Army, Plunket Nurses and Primary Health Organisations can request an Angel Flight for their patient/primary passenger.
If your patient/primary passenger needs to travel a considerable distance to see a specialist or doctor or to receive treatment, then an Angel Flight might be for them.
We do not accept flight requests from the public direct, as we require their Healthcare Professional to confirm their condition allows them to travel in a small aircraft.
Angel Flight missions are flown by volunteer pilots in their own aircraft.
Angel Flight requires all passengers to sign a waiver of liability before the flight. Each Patients/Primary Passengers must be able to enter and leave a small aircraft with minor assistance only.
As most of the aircraft used by Angel Flight have only four seats there is a weight limit of 95kg per Patients/Primary Passengers.
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